Let us tell you story of the connections we made, the world premiere, and how we sold out two festival screenings of "The Last Ecstatic Days"in Santa Fe!
Last month CCLD members and allies attended the Santa Fe International Film Festival for the world premiere of new documentary film about the end-of-life journey of Ethan Sisser, whose brave belief in community helped shape what we do.
When the first screening of the movie was sold out, a second screening was added at the last minute, and it sold out as well.

(L-R: Greg Lathrop, Aditi Sethi, Roshi Joan Halifax)
While at the festival, we were honored to include Roshi Joan Halifax, Ph.D., Buddhist teacher and founder of Upaya Zen Center, as part of a panel on conscious dying with CCLD Elder Council member Greg Lathrop, a rites of passage facilitator; and Scott Kirschenbaum, the film's director.
Here's what Halifax had to say after seeing "The Last Ecstatic Days":

The panel was sold out, too!
We also connected with a Santa Fe social model hospice residence, Scott’s House, a member of the Omega House network, a non-profit organization promoting the development and expansion of community homes for dying people.

(Aditi Sethi, center, with David Seidler, right and Clara Hendon, left)
Special thanks to the other CCLD allies who supported us at the festival: David Seidler, Oscar-winning writer of “The King’s Speech” and one of the movie's executive producers; and Linda Rothman, Ethan Sisser's mother, who joined us for the screening.
Our next foray into the film festival world is later this November, when Aditi attends a screening of "The Last Ecstatic Days" at the Congressional Cemetery in Washington, D.C., and presents A Deep Dive Into Conscious Dying With Dr. Aditi Sethi, a workshop for anyone who wants to explore tools to care for a dying person and their loved ones.
If you still haven't seen "The Last Ecstatic Days," there will be a screening on Friday, Nov. 17 at Pack Library in Asheville. We hope to see you there!